Global Investment
in Sustainable Development
4 - 7 December 2024
InterContinental le Grand
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is the leading global conference
laser-focused on investment in sustainability

Whilst the current geopolitical conflicts coupled with the energy and food crises in the wake of Covid19 pandemic are considered to be critical threats jeopardising corporations and industries, nothing can be regarded as a more existential one than climate change.

More than ever the global situation has highlighted the interconnectedness and interdependence of the modern world. An understanding has emerged that it is no longer possible to continue to do ā€œbusiness as usualā€ and that a new breed of entrepreneurs, more environmentally and socially responsible, should be fostered in order to preserve our planet as we know it today.

We as a generation have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink the worldā€™s existing paradigm.

Investors are becoming increasingly aware of how their impact can affect the world around them and are eager to invest in the ways that reflect their concern and respect for environment, for human dignity and for responsible corporate behaviour.

The mission of CC Forum ā€“ an investment conference which is 100% dedicated to investment in sustainability ā€“ is convening the top business leaders, policy makers and public figures and defining the course of action we should collectively take to confront the existential challenges we are all facing today including climate change, fossil-fuel-based economies, overpopulation and poverty to name but a few. Therefore, in accordance with Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations, its topics centre around investing in Environment, Renewable Energies, Emerging Technologies, Healthcare, Education, Social Inclusion and Philanthropy connecting the brightest startups to the savviest of investors.

CC Forumā€™s previous editions were inter alia held in London in October 2019 with a written royal greeting from the late HM Queen Elizabeth II, in Monaco in September 2020 under the High Patronage and with the participation of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco and in the Kingdom of Bahrain under the auspices of HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince & Prime Minister in March 2022.

The goal of the X edition of Climate Change Forum in Paris is exploring the prospects, challenges and business opportunities of investment in sustainable development as the world is entering its next stage of development.

CC Forum's event at Queen Elizabeth II's Centre achieved greater understanding of the manner of things for tomorrow's world. It has been a pleasure to participate and I have appreciated meeting many new friends who are dedicated to the process
Lord JD Waverley
I was thrilled to be among the high profile delegates of the CC Forum Dubai
HH Shaikha Noora Al Khalifa of Kingdom of Bahrain
It is a great honour for me to attend CC Forum and receive the prestigious CC Forum's Award.
Maestro Placido Domingo
It was amazing to present the investment opportunity for Nigeria at CC Forum Dubai and see so much interest on the partĀ ofĀ investors
Hon. Dr. Doris Nkiruka Uzoka-Anite Minister Industry, Trade & Investment of Nigeria
The UAE are honoured to be hosting this high profile event which welcomes thought leaders, policy makers, public figures, investors and startups.
His Highness Sheikh Awadh Majrin bin Sultan
It means a great deal for me personally and my colleagues to be recognised for my efforts in improving fairnessĀ forĀ all. ItĀ means...Ā gender
Naomi Campbell British actress, model, philanthropist
I was absolutely delighted to be invited to attend CC Forum Monaco. I have no doubt that climate change is one of the most serious emergencies the planet faces at the present time.
Stanley Johnson Environmental campaigner
One of crucial themes of CC Forum is Women Empowerment and investing in women-ledĀ initiatives
Ingrid Orozco Women Empowerment Initiative
When we all work together toward common goals for our shared planet, amazing things can happen. I look forward to our continued progress and thank the CC Forum.
Julian Lennon Song-writer, philanthropist
The Monaco CC Forum delivered a very broad and interesting mix of content covering many aspects of sustainability. All in all a very successful blend of a well-diversified group and programme.
Per Wimmer Financier, author, philanthropist
CC Forum is the number one global investment conference laser focused onĀ sustainability
Angel Wang Asia Investment Finance Group
It was a pleasure to speak at the 3rd edition of CC Forum. The audience was captive and the organizers managed to get together top people from the industry!
H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Industrie-und Finanzkontor ETS Executive Chairman
Striving for racial and gender equality has always been a signature trait of CC Forum's global editions
Yvonne Thompson Black Cultural Archives
The Home Of Black Culture In The UK
CC Forum is an excellent multinational conference debating the future of impact investment
Lord Marland of Odstock Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council Chairman, MP
The glory of the distributed ledger
Financial Times
Vibrant, exciting and a little controversial
  • 3 days

    of top content and intense networking

  • 100+ speakers

    hand-picked visionaries, world thought leaders and global transformers

  • 300+ attendees

    entrepreneurs, executives, investors, policy makers and experts

  • 100+ Investors Hub

    private and institutional investors, family offices and VC firms participating in the Investors' Hub

  • 5 awards

    CC Forum's 2021 Awards for Achievements in Sustainability

  • 50+ exhibitors

    Companies representing sustainability projects including clean energy, alternative fuels, emerging technologies, social impact finance, fintech etc

CC FORUM kicks off in:

-65Days -5Hours -31 -45

Past Speakers


Dear Friends,

May I have the honour of welcoming each and every one of you to CC Forum’s upcoming 2024 – 2025 editions “Investment in Sustainable Development”.

Here we seek to fulfill multivarious missions.

CC Forum has been conceived as the world’s leading platform where governments present their innovative new strategies; where inspirational scientists relay to the world their revolutionary discoveries; where large corporations and small companies alike make global announcements, and where the brightest startups connect to the savviest of investors.

CC Forum is, simultaneously, considered a place where the world’s most formidable thought leaders are granted a unique opportunity to express their very opinions – even when they are highly controversial, and even when they are the polar opposites to what have become standard norms. We, at the CC Forum firmly believe that it is only via public discussions, debates and brainstorming that some of the most complex issues society is facing today can be resolved. It is where iron sharpens iron. Hence a vast range of topics covered, stretching from Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Waste Management to Impact Investment, Social Inclusion and Philanthropy with the emphasis on how emerging technologies can help humanity resolve the existential issues we are all facing today. CC Forum thus facilitates change by virtue of its elite and foremost thinkers in the sphere where high technology crosses finance.

Here is the paradox that has mesmerized and engaged me, my friends. Mankind has organically chosen to go down the avenue of technological progress, which, in my firm belief, is largely why we are now facing existential environmental problems. Yet it is inevitably a veritable fact that technologies again are called upon today to resolve these self-begotten issues in order to achieve the catharsis we collectively strive for humanity to survive and prosper. We have, thus, come full circle. So, dear esteemed thought leaders, the ultimate mission of this, our CC Forum is to contribute to cracking down on the fundamental issues of human development, point blank.

NOW, my friends, is the time to act. We do not have much time to spare.

Max Studennikoff
Chairman & Founder
CC Forum


Become a Sponsor


Three main pitching opportunities are available at CC Forum for startups:

All the startup options can be found here.


CC Forum Awards

For each of its editions CC Forum's Organising Committee and Advisory Board carefully select and extend unique awards to a few public figures for their outstanding contribution to making the world a better place.

Hall of Fame

Press release

The much anticipated 10th edition of CC (Climate Change) Forum Ā«Investment in Sustainable DevelopmentĀ» will take place on 27-30 May 2024 at Paris

The event follows CC Forumā€™s highly successful in-person editions in London (October 2022), the Kingdom of Bahrain (March 2022) under the High Patronage of the HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince & Prime Minister, in Cote-d-Azur (July 2021), Dubai (April 2021, December 2023), Monte-Carlo under the High Patronage and in the presence of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco (September 2020) and London (October 2019) which received a royal greeting by HM Queen Elizabeth II.

CC Forum widely referred to by some journalists as Ā«green DavosĀ» brings together major global investment funds, family offices, VC capital firms, UHNWs, senior government officials, members of royal families and some of the brightest startups to brainstorm on the ways of confronting the current crises.

CC Forum addresses such issues as Climate Change, Clean Energy, Government Strategies, Impact Investment, Preservation of the Oceans, Emerging Technologies, Finance and Fintech, Healthcare and Education, Women Empowerment, Philanthropy and Social Inclusion.

CC Forumā€™s previous participants included among others HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Ban Ki Moon, Dame Jane Goodall, Stanley Johnson, Placido Domingo, Nouriel Roubini, Tim Draper, HSH Princess Charlene of Monaco, HSH Prince Michael of Liechtenstein, HE Sheikh Awadh Magrin bin Sultan, Gunter Pauli, Michael Flatley and Julian Lennon.

The Dubai iteration will be abound in a rich networking and cultural programme.

It will culminate in CC Forumā€™s traditional VVIP Investorsā€™ Gala Dinner & Awards Giving Ceremony with heads of state, members of royal families and international celebrities in attendance.

Press-release download

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